Proper risk management isn’t just about having a portfolio of insurance policies. At Keystone Risk Strategies we believe that our customers shouldn’t fall victim to the ebbs and flows of the insurance marketplace. Be helping our clients incorporate a strategy to mitigate risk, one that can be presented and verified to insurance company underwriters, not only can we help our clients lower the likelihood of a loss, we can maximize insurance carrier discounts that can result in lower insurance premiums. These two factors alone contribute to a lower total cost of insurance for our clients and increase the profitability for our partner carriers. If you’re working with a truly proactive broker, you should never its you vs the insurance company. A truly professional insurance broker is more than a conduit to the insurance marketplace seeking the carrier with the lowest current insurance rate. Rather, they’re an advocate willing to focus on the many unique needs of the businesses they serve and represent. If you’d like to learn more about how your business can take control of its total cost of insurance, feel free to send us a note and one of representatives will be in touch soon.
Workers Compensation
No one likes surprises, especially businessowners. If you’ve been hit with an unexpected bill due to an audit on your workers comp policy and/or you don’t understand the impact of your experience mod, it might be time for a change. If your insurance broker isn’t taking the time to explain how your premiums are calculated, how can you create a strategy to lower your cost of insurance?
Business Personal Property
Nobody wants to be over insured and pay for more insurance than they need. Nor does a businessowner want to find out during a claim that they underinsured their property resulting in a settlement that leaves them unable to made whole. Semiannual reviews are vital to making sure you are neither over or under insured. When was the last time you reviewed the value of your property?
General, Professional, Excess, Cyber??? There are many different types of liability coverages available in the insurance marketplace. If you are unsure of the differences between the various types of liability coverage, you may not have the proper coverage needed to protect your business from the many exposures it faces day to day.
“Being reactive is not a strategy. Let Keystone Risk Strategies represent you to the insurance marketplace with a narrative that makes you attractive to company underwriters.
— Keystone Risk Strategies